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About Life Insurance

Buying life insurance is an important decision, and you have options. Learn more about the different types of life insurance, and what is best for you and your family.

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Image by Alvaro Reyes
Image by krakenimages

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance pays your beneficiaries a set amount of money in the event of your death. This protection is available for a set period of time, or term, which is typically 10, 20 or 30 years.

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Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance lasts your entire life and accumulates cash value for you. You can use the cash value account to pay policy premiums or as a source to borrow or withdraw funds any time.

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Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance lasts your entire life and pays your beneficiaries a set amount of money in the event of your death. The payout is smaller than other insurance types and is typically used to pay for end-of-life expenses like funeral costs and medical care.

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  •  Key employee life insurance

  •  Buy-sell agreements (entity, cross-purchase, and wait-and-see)

  • Disability buy-out agreements

  •  Executive bonus arrangements 

  •  Split-dollar life insurance

  •  Non-qualified deferred compensation arrangements

  • Group-term life and group carve-out

There’s no better way to reach success than getting the help you need at the right moment. Contact me today to discover some of the most effective ways to stay ahead of the competition.

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